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Welcome to the Pacific Northwest!

bulletFeel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant.
bulletKnow at least eight people who work for companies that manufacture computer parts, airplanes, or athletic shoes.
bulletCan tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thai food.
bulletReturn from a California vacation depressed because "all the grass was dead."
bulletKnow the vast difference between SBC, Torrefazione, Coffee People and Starbucks.
bulletTake a half day every July 1 to find your sunglasses and sunscreen.
bulletRemember the date, severity, time of day, where you were, and how long you were out of power and phone service for every winter-weather event in the last five years.
bulletFeel guilty for days after throwing an aluminum can in the trash instead of recycling it.
bulletGet very happy, almost giddy, when the early morning weather forecast includes the term "sun breaks."
bulletHave ever called your insurance agent to ask if your homeowner's policy covers falling trees, flooding, or mud slides or if the number of your favorite roofing company is on your phone's "speed-dial" list.
bulletNever go camping without waterproof matches, ponchos, and mattress pads that double as flotation devices.
bulletKnow more people who own boats than air conditioners.
bulletConsider that if it doesn't have snow on it or has not recently erupted, regardless of elevation, it is a "hill" and not a "mountain."
bulletComplain about Californians until the day you sell your house to one for twice what you paid for it.
bulletFind a wallet with $500 in it, return it all to the owner and refuse a reward.
bulletKnow the difference between Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye salmon.
bulletUsed to live somewhere else.
bulletBelieve swimming is not a sport but a survival skill to prevent boating deaths.
bulletBelieve swimming should only be done indoors, except in emergencies.
bulletOwn more than 10 articles of clothing that have the names of microbreweries/brewpubs printed on them. Bonus for embroidery.
bulletWave at people who drive Ford Explorer sport utility vehicles like yours. Basically, you just drive down the road waving.
bulletCan point in the direction of two or more volcanoes even though you can't see them through the clouds.
bulletThink downtown is "scary" because you were panhandled there once.
bulletGo to work and return home in the dark in the winter, even though you only have an eight-hour work day.
bulletFind that when the weather gets above 60 degrees, you replace your hiking boots with Birkenstock or Teva sandals.
bulletBelieve people who use umbrellas are wimps, Californians, or both.
bulletYou are sitting at a downtown red light. The light turns green and the car in front of you does not move. You do not honk. After two more light changes, you approach the driver to ask if they need any assistance.
bulletYou look in your closet to get dressed and you are stumped on whether to put on your fleece vest, fleece pants, or just go for the fleece jacket. Then you're stuck when you decide for the jacket and are confused on which of your six colors you should choose.
bulletAre able to use 10 words to order a beverage the rest of the country calls "coffee."